nedelja, 6. april 2014

more than just an Animal to treat

the Kingdom and its Settlers.

whether it was the BigBang or the Allmighty creating the soil we are walking on, not many of the Primates are aware of the fact, who was here first. aside the nonsence of rasizm, i know to many people being disrespectful to the Kingdom. 

no niaisage. i took the pair of my big feet and walked toward the fields, through the pastures. treating Animals every day doesn`t make me like the Kingdom any less, i don`t get sick and tired of the Settlers.
 the mares were enjoying afternoon sun,grazing

 the first shoots of grass. i had a feeling i will like one of them, her color was convincing from the distance already. the muzzle was reaching over the wire of the fence, to get in contact with my hand. i felt like an exploring "kiddo" when i climbed the fence. soon my hands were stroking the neck, the back, the legs and pregnant belly. there are things in Life one can not describe with Words. i sat on the cold ground next to the mare. she made a step closer so her front legs were supporting my back. my breath was  taken. she lovered the head into my lap and closed her eyes. 

the time stopped and i let go. 

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